Monday, April 27, 2009

Appointment to Creditors Committee

Fellow Creditors,

On Thursday April 30 2009 at the Federal Bankruptcy Court "341 meeting" Luciano Cortese, Bob Mc Manus and I will be distributing "ballots" for appointment to the "creditors committee" amongst the attendees.

The committee when formed will allow us to be updated and informed of any relevant events or information coming from the Trustees office on the Agape case.

We feel this is a critical step that needs to be taken so that we can relay that information to you in a timely fashion.

If you have an interest in voting for anyone to this "appointment", you must have certain documents prepared (filled out and signed - notarized if possible).
For a copy of the forms, go to the Yahoo group at:

Bob McManus, Luciano Cortese and I have been asked to put our names on the ballots. The U.S. Trustee will review the ballots for eligibility and decide on the outcome.

We would appreciate your support in this matter. The Forms are on file with the yahoo group and/or available upon request by writing to You can bring them to court on Thursday or fax them to 718-229-9815 (my efax service).

I hope to see you at the meeting.

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